Your New Courses!
MACTAC: Active Shooter Response
MACTAC: Active Shooter Response is designed to train first responders in proper tactics and techniques when responding to an active shooter event. How to park upon arrival, vital equipment, and traveling and bounding to the building are all demonstrated. In addition, communication, clearing and searching rooms, and one to three officer team formations are covered in detail.
School Vulnerability Assessment
This course will provide information regarding distinguishing between security versus crisis as well as emphasizing the importance of a safety plan initiative. Reviewed items will be considerations for adaptation within a plan. Finally, vulnerability assessments and involvement of crime prevention through environmental design best practices will be discussed.
Investigating Sexual Offenders
This course is designed teach officers important elements of investigating sexual offenders. This includes a discussion of the elements of sexual assault including national statistics, victim PTSD, and how to interview a victim.
Investigating Sexual Assault
This course is designed to teach officers important elements of investigating sexual assault. This includes a discussion of the elements of sexual assault including national statistics, sexual offender classification, and characteristics of sexual offenders.
Investigating Family Violence
This course is designed teach officers important elements of investigating family violence. This includes a discussion of the elements of family violence including national statistics, types of abuse, and identifying the predominant aggressor.
Role of the SRO
School administrators are often times unclear on when to involve officers in incidents that occur on school property. This class of instruction will assist in establishing, selecting, and training School Resource Officers, responsibilities of law enforcement on school property both administratively and legal, mentorship of students, training of staff and students, as well as helping to create partnerships and resources for parents, students and staff.
Suicide Prevention
Police literature related to wellness tends to focus on what needs to do be done within a broad mental or physical scope to minimize the threat of injury or death among law enforcement officers of all ranks. These dimensions are made up of five “domains” which are critical to surviving the cumulative effect of living the police life. Getting too far out of balance in these domains damages our overall wellness and can increase our risk for injury, on-duty death, and suicide.