
4th Amendment Exceptions Part 1
This course covers some exceptions to the 4th Amendment, including the plain view seizure doctrine, the plain feel seizure doctrine,…
1 Hour

4th Amendment Exceptions Part 2
This course covers the search incident to arrest and consent search exceptions to the 4th Amendment. Norman Comeaux covers the…
1 Hour

9-1-1 Cape Building
The 9-1-1 professional is a hero, and heroes wear capes. The 9-1-1 cape helps protect you from tough calls, helps…
1 Hour

9-1-1 Public Education
In this course, Jodi Springer will be discussing her experience in creating a public education program. She will discuss how…
1 Hour

9-8-8 Basics
9-8-8 will be a big part of our crisis continuum in the future by providing the right resource when police,…
1 Hour

A New Approach to Officer Safety: CLEAR Thinking
The purpose of this course is to increase officer safety by improving the quality of officer and citizen encounters through…
2 Hours

A Survivor’s Guide to Life After an Officer Involved Shooting
Officer involved shootings are worst-case scenario situations that no officer wants to face, but when they occur, what happens after?…
1 Hour

AMBER and Silver Alert Initiatives
This course will examine the national and state efforts in developing and implementing protection strategies relating to children and seniors.…
2 Hours

AMBER and Silver Alerts for Telecommunicators
This course will examine the national and state efforts in developing and implementing protection strategies relating to children and seniors.…
2 Hours

Active Listening Skills
In this course, JC Ferguson will discuss how to listen empathically and critically, how to feel what someone else if…
1 Hour

Active Threat Calls and the Fire Dispatcher
This course discusses active threat response for fire communications. In this one-hour session, Tracy Ertl discusses topics such as the…
1 Hour

Advanced Harassment and Discrimination Training
This training goes into detail explaining types of harassment and discrimination, including hostile work environments and complaint retaliation. It also…
30 Minutes

Advanced Human Trafficking Investigations
This course is a continuation of Introduction to Human Trafficking and delves deeper into investigative and legal considerations, along with…
2 Hours

Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication
Emotional intelligence is vital for building trust and connections, which leads to effective and clear communication. In this course, Carl…
1 Hour

Assisting Police K-9s
Everyone loves dogs and can become enamored when K-9 teams arrive on scene. Understanding the key role officers play in…
1 Hour
Autism Awareness for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators
This course will provide an understanding of the impact and challenges of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Emergency on telecommunicators,…
1 Hour

Autism Awareness for First Responders
This course will provide tools to increase awareness of behaviors that might indicate an autism spectrum disorder or closely associated…
1 Hour

Autism Response for Law Enforcement
Statistically, officers will encounter an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is imperative for officers to know how to handle…
2 Hours

Baselines, Anomalies, and the Willingness to Act: Corrections Basics
In jails and prisons, a small crisis such as a fight could grow quickly into a larger crisis. Identifying anomalies…
1 Hour

Basic Computer Skills
This is an introductory course in the use of the computer, the use of the Internet for research, and the…
2 Hours

Basic Intelligence Gathering
A correctional officer is able to gather a lot of information inside their facility that can help prevent fights, assaults,…
2 Hours

Basic Interview Techniques: Effective Information Gathering
In this course, Victor Lauria will be discussing basic interview techniques, focusing on how to effectively gain information from witnesses,…
1 Hour

Basic Interview Techniques: Seeking the Truth
In this course, Victor Lauria will be discussing basic interview techniques, focusing on how to determine if a suspect is…
1 Hour

Be Prepared
In this course, Leslie Whitham, ENP will discuss how to be prepared in your communications center before the phone even…
1 Hour

Behavior Science: Violence Prediction and Control: A Primer
The Violence Prediction and Control Course was made to be as critical as body armor for officers. Hundreds of studies…
1 Hour

Blending Mission, Vision, and Values
In this course, Retired Police Chief Tim Christol will explain how mission, vision, and values affect the culture of the…
2 Hours

Bloodborne & Airborne Pathogens and PPE Use
This course is designed to provide law enforcement and corrections officers with knowledge to recognize, prepare for, and react to…
1 Hour

Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a large structure that shows the progression from one level of learning to another, and just having…
1 Hour

Building 9-1-1 Lifebridges to Suicide Callers: An Introduction
Most 9-1-1 professionals do their best to manage calls with those struggling with suicide. However, traditionally, these very first responders…
2 Hours

Building K-12 Options-Based Response Programs
K-12 facilities experience unique challenges when implementing options-based response programs. These challenges stem from a top-down approach to infrastructure improvement…
2 Hours

Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console
This one-hour course focuses on how consideration, communication, and consistency can help build trust between dispatchers and field responders.
1 Hour

Call Classification for Telecommunicators
Designed primarily for new telecommunicators, this course will review some of the common call classifications for law, fire, and EMS.…
1 Hour

Career Development Programs for Employee Retention
In this course, Retired Chief Tim Christol will discuss how to create and execute a career development plan. This course…
1 Hour

Child Sex Abuse (5th edition)
MODULE III: This module enables the participant to be introduced to one of the most complex areas in Criminal Investigations:…
1 Hour

Child Sex Abuse 2020
Child Sex Abuse 2020 provides an overview of child physical and sexual abuse. This course will discuss family dynamics, factors…
1 Hour

Child Sexual Abuse 6th Edition
This course will cover an overview of the issue of child abuse covering topics such as the nature of child…
1 Hour

Clery Act for Campus Law Enforcement
This course will provide basic knowledge about Clery Act reporting, educating officers in what to include and how to report…
1 Hour

Close Contact Edged Weapons Defense
This course is designed to address close range knife attacks against officers. The phenomenon is becoming increasingly more common today…
2 Hours

Collecting and Preserving Electronic Evidence
Digital evidence is more prevalent than DNA and fingerprints in most cases nowadays, and they say on average, a person…
1 Hour

Communication and Intrinsic Bias
The process of communication is very important to us as law enforcement officers. What we say is important, but how…
1 Hour

Community Policing and Engagement
A lack of trust between a community and a law enforcement agency can prevent collaboration and relationship building. To be…
2 Hours

Community Policing in the 21st Century
In May 2015, the United States Department of Justice released the comprehensive findings of the President’s Task Force on 21st…
2 Hours

Components of Child Abuse Investigations
This course covers an overview of the issue of child abuse, including topics such as the nature of child abuse,…
2 Hours

Constitutional Policing: Protect Then Serve
The lack of trust the public has in law enforcement is at an all-time low. That lack of trust effects…
2 Hours

Correctional Risk
The best way correction officers can keep their community safe is by reducing risk in the people committed to your…
1 Hour

Courtroom Testimony
All law enforcement officers will be required to testify regularly during their careers. Whether a seasoned veteran, a rookie fresh…
2 Hours

Creating Effective Training Programs: A Discussion
This course is a recording of Creating Effective Training Programs filmed at NENA’s 2022 Conference Expo in Louisville, KY. Rob…
1 Hour

Crime Scene Preservation for Correctional Officers
Correctional officers are an extended branch of the criminal justice system and face the same challenges as law enforcement officers…
1 Hour

Crisis Intervention for those with Mental Illness
The American Psychological Association estimates that approximately half of all Americans will qualify as having a mental health issue or…
1 Hour

Crisis Leadership
This course will provide insight into how to prepare for a crisis as a first-line supervisor before one occurs, causing…
2 Hours

Crisis in Correctional Environments: When It Hits the Fan - Now What?
In jails and prisons, a small crisis such as a fight could grow quickly into a larger crisis. Understanding the…
1 Hour

DISC Assessment: Building Connections
This course discusses how to better understand yourself and others by using the DISC personality assessment. In this one-hour session,…
1 Hour

De-escalation for Law Enforcement
This course will provide personnel with conflict prevention and conflict resolution techniques. Officers will learn how to make themselves a…
1 Hour

De-escalation for Telecommunicators
Verbal Defense & Influence is a tactical communication program based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. George Thompson. Depending on…
1 Hour

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness for First Responders
Nearly 48 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss, which means that it is critical for first responders to…
1 Hour

Dealing With Difficult Toxic and Problematic Coworkers
There's always that one person at work who never has anything positive to say, riles up other team members, and…
1 Hour

Decision Making: The Foundation of Reasonable Force - A Primer
This course is an abbreviated edition of the Command Presence four-hour training on use of force, including evidence-based factors affecting…
1 Hour

Decision Making: The Foundation of Reasonable Force for Supervisors - A Primer
This course is an abbreviated edition of the Command Presence five-hour training on use of force for supervisors, including vital…
1 Hour

Detention Facility Cell and Body Shakedowns
In this course, Bob Greenwood will discuss how to maintain prison and personal safety through cell, common areas, and body…
2 Hours

Difficult Conversations
Any time you bring a diverse group of people together into a work environment that is at times both emotionally…
1 Hour

Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change
Climate change has increased the risk for wildland fires around the world. There is an ever-increasing need for telecommunicators to…
1 Hour

Diversity Intelligence in 9-1-1
In today’s diverse environment, it is vital to know how to navigate and embrace diversity to create a safe and…
1 Hour

Dog Encounters for Law Enforcement Officers
On average, one in every three households that officers respond to will have a dog present. This course provides officers…
2 Hours

Domestic Violence: Call Through Investigations
A proactive response by law enforcement to domestic violence incidents is key to a successful case. Knowing the state statutes,…
2 Hours

Drones, LPR's, and Pole Cameras
This course explores the legal implications of using drones, license plate readers (LPRs), and pole cameras in law enforcement. Anthony…
1 Hour

EMD: Back to Basics
In this one-hour course, Tracy Eldridge discusses the basics of emergency medical dispatch, including the responsibilities of EMD, legal and…
1 Hour

EVOC: 2020
EVOC: 2020 is a Tennessee-specific course that teaches officers how to drive more professionally. The course starts in the classroom…
2 Hours

EVOC: Precision Driving
This course is intended to help officers develop practical skills to empower them to operate emergency vehicles in a safe…
1 Hour

Effective Communication for Law Enforcement
From the first line to senior staff, law enforcement officers use communication skills to direct, inform, and persuade others to…
2 Hours