This course will cover the requirement of Human Trafficking of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. Michael Warren will discuss the types of human trafficking in Georgia state law, the elements of trafficking of persons for labor or sexual servitude OCGA §16-5-46, and human trafficking indicators based on officer observations.
This course will cover the requirement of Gang Awareness of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. Michael Warren will discuss what a criminal street gang is, how to identify signs of criminal street gang activity, and the signs and symbols used by criminal street gangs including traditional street gangs and outlaw motorcycle gangs.
In this course, Tom Vitacco will discuss the philosophy behind forfeiture and the extent to which it is appropriate, defenses to forfeiture, post seizure procedures, and other considerations in forfeiture cases.

In this course, Tom Vitacco will discuss the purpose of the Child Safety Check Alert List (CSCAL), the differences between a missing person report and CSCAL, and the update to Family Code 261.301 Investigation of Report.
This course was designed to cover the bills passed in the 88th legislative session, which affect most peace officers of the State of Texas. This material is a general summary of selected court cases and changes to Texas’ statues that govern the laws enforced along with the administration of law enforcement officers and agencies.
GIS 102 s a GIS training course presented by the Tennessee Emergency Communications Board. James Wood will go through the GIS Data Standards for NG9-1-1 for Emergency Communications Districts of Tennessee. In this second section of the course, Mr. Wood will discuss the modeling specifications, addressing considerations, i3 cutover prerequisites, and the TDMS.
A correctional officer is able to gather a lot of information inside their facility that can help prevent fights, assaults, the smuggling of drugs, and crimes being committed outside. Jail intelligence is the biggest thing a correctional officer can do to ensure staff are protected, inmates are protected, and that liability is mitigated. In this course, David Schilling will discuss the purpose of jail intelligence, how to manage informants and sources, and the importance of collaboration with external law enforcement agencies and partners.

In this course, Lt. Keith Wuotinen, JD, PhD will cover the changes in Michigan law for 2022 included consensual encounters vs. Terry stops, tips from anonymous callers, the hot pursuit exception, search and seizures, inventory searches, and ordering people out of their homes.

This course is a four hour mandated course by the Alabama Peace Officers Standard and Training Commission. Everyone has biases, good and bad. This training is not racial intelligence training but rather explains what implicit bias really is and how bias and stereotypes have the potential of impacting what we perceive and can, unless prevented, impact what we do. The focus of this training is to help officers overcome the unconscious implicit biases.
New Mexico
This course will provide law enforcement personnel with information regarding their responsibilities as they pertain to the identification of dependent children when the parents are arrested. The course will discuss relevant elements of New Mexico statutes, the procedures required to meet these statutes, and how the arrest and specific actions made by officers can be traumatic to children and how to mitigate any long-term effects.
New Mexico
This course covers the changes in New Mexico laws that affect law enforcement, including what the end of qualified immunity means for officers, changes in proactive policing, how changes in technology can assist law enforcement, and other relevant changes to New Mexico legislation in 2022-2023.
New Mexico
This course will refresh the officer with regard to hate crimes in their communities and their role in the investigative process. This course will cover the difference between hate crimes and free speech; major SCOTUS decisions on hate crimes; the role of officers in investigating hate crimes; and other relevant topics.

New Mexico
This course will discuss the crime and social issue of child abuse that is vital for law enforcement investigating these cases, including the dynamics of why people abuse children and the results of that abuse. This course will cover how to identify different types of child abuse, the relevant statutes related to child abuse and neglect, reporting requirements, and understanding the dynamics of SIDS death.
New Mexico
This course will help officers identify the procedures for filing Amber, Brittany, and Silver Alerts to include endangered persons. The course will discuss the functions of the New Mexico Missing Persons Clearinghouse, the procedures for conducting a missing persons investigation, proper forms to fill out for each missing persons category, and other relevant topics.
New Mexico
This course will discuss the New Mexico Statues regarding domestic violence, as well as statistics and officer safety and survival considerations during domestic violence calls for service, including the signs and symptoms of non-lethal strangulation. The course covers orders of protection, changes to the stalking statute, key safety considerations for officer safety and survival, and other topics relevant to domestic violence calls.

New Mexico
This course will refresh the student with regard to the Safe Pursuit Act and its requirements. This course will also provide information regarding the decision to initiate, continue, and terminate a pursuit and how the interest in public safety weighs against that decision.
This course is intended to help officers develop practical skills to empower them to operate emergency vehicles in a safe manner. The course will demonstrate drills that will provide students with tactics they can practice every day to increase driving efficiency.

Multiple bills passed by the 87th legislative session will have an impact on Texas law enforcement. There were administrative changes, changes in existing statutes, and new laws. Texas’ law enforcement professionals will better serve their communities by increasing their awareness of changes and additions to state statutes as they pursue equality in justice and ensure public safety. Case law, especially cases handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), is of incredible importance to the administration of Justice. This curriculum will briefly cover recent judicial decisions that are important for law enforcement officers, administrators, and policy makers.
This course is designed to re-acquaint law enforcement officers with the characteristics and possible problems associated with interacting with persons with mental impairments.
The purpose of this course is to explain de-escalation, distinguish between types of calls involving persons in crisis, and respond to the call in a manner that affords the best chance for a desirable outcome.
Multiple bills passed by the 85th Legislature will have an impact on Texas law enforcement. There were administrative changes, changes in existing statues, and new laws. By pursuing equality in justice and ensuring public safety, Texas’ law enforcement professionals will better serve their communities by increasing their awareness of changes and additions to state statutes. Case law, especially cases handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), is of incredible importance to the administration of justice. This curriculum will briefly cover recent judicial decisions that are important for law enforcement officers, law enforcement administrators, and policy makers.
This course is designed to help private security officers meet the requirements of annual certification renewal as prescribed by the Chief of Police and/or St. Louis Metropolitan Police Commissioner.
This course is a state mandate for TCOLE. It is designed to increase the law enforcement community's awareness of the issue of human trafficking through the exposure of information including: victim identification, investigation, rescue and prosecution considerations, referral and service providers' availability, the critical need for development of a coordinated community response, and the interconnectivity of state, federal, and global human trafficking concerns.
This course is intended as an introduction to issues related to responding to and investigating missing and exploited children cases, covering subjects like the challenges of reunification, what conditions lead children to go missing from care, grooming techniques commonly used by offenders, and many other subjects.
Eyewitness evidence is critical to the apprehension and prosecution of criminals. Research has proven that a number of small changes to the identification process will help improve the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness identification, ensuring that the highest quality of eyewitness evidence is collected and preserved. This course will provide students with a knowledge and understanding of how the implementation of recommended protocols, or best practices, can improve the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness evidence.
This course is a state mandate for TCOLE. In this course, the peace officer in training will assess traffic stops and the Seven Step Violator Contact. The peace officer will also evaluate the process that civilians are taught when acting in a traffic stop. The officer will distinguish between officer demeanors and the expectations of civilians and the peace officer's department. The officer will also examine visual and audio recordings for traffic stops and will discuss the Sandra Bland case. The officer will also examine the Community Safety Education Act and assess the laws behind training requirements for traffics stops.
Texas Legal Updates 2019 covers the changes in TX law for the 2019 to 2020 legislative session. This course will inform officers of significant changes to the Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedures, and other codes. The course will also cover some noteworthy Supreme Court cases.
This course is designed to meet the continuing education requirements of Texas Government Code 415.034 for Texas peace officers. The special investigative topics consist of: a discussion of the elements of child abuse and neglect, a discussion of the elements of family violence, a discussion of the elements of sexual assault, a discussion of the elements of sex offender characteristics, and a discussion of key changes within the different Texas codes which may impact the officer's performance in these critical areas.
This course provides the student with an understanding and knowledge of the statutory laws, terminology, concepts regarding the use of force, and aspects of training. Information on various force options including training and legal issues are also covered.
This course is a state mandate for TCOLE. In this course, the peace officer in training will recognize different types of identity crimes and how these crimes are typically perpetrated. This course will also discuss the legal aspects of identity crimes as well as the information needed for an identity crime offense report.
This is a state mandate for TCOLE. The purpose of this training is not just to inform but to increase awareness and understanding, leading to the development of skills that will refine positive communication and enhance productivity in the workforce. Diversity is defined as the collective strength of experiences, skills, talents, perspectives, and cultures that each person brings to the whole. This integrated whole will be the subject of this diversity training.
This course will discuss best practices for child abuse investigation and extensively cover how to recognize signs of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. The student then will be given some example cases. Sears will walk through three cases to show examples of investigations into child abuse cases. Finally, the course will conclude on a talk of vicarious trauma and give some advice on how to deal with the trauma officers will see on the job.
This course will cover the following topics: probable cause, detention, and arrest; expectations for search warrant requirements; search warrants; suppression hearings and civil liability; and juvenile justice procedures. Students will learn how to choose a proper course of action when presented with fact situations on a test to determine reasonable suspicion for detention or probable cause for arrest; how to determine if a search may be conducted without a warrant and what limitations may apply; how to identify advantages of search warrants and preparation of proper cause affidavit; and how to demonstrate on a written examination an understanding of this area to a specified percentage.
The majority of the session will review changes in Tennessee code annotated in 2019. Those changes will be broken down into general categories of the law: motor vehicle law, criminal law and procedure, dangerous drugs, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and developments in firearms statutes in Tennessee. The course will end with major case developments and case law, mostly out of the Supreme Court in 2019.
The purpose of this course is to inform and educate Michigan officers on new legislation. This course discusses Fourth Amendment search and seizure, consent searches, vehicle searches, and the use of force.
This course is designed to teach TN law enforcement officers about evidence submission to the state of TN forensic services laboratories. The course includes the scope of service of the forensic units; parts of the collection, preservation, packaging, documentation, and submission of evidence to the units; limitations of service that might be encountered; and report interpretations.
This course provides peace officers with the required knowledge and recognition of their responsibilities regarding their POST certification according to Georgia Peace Officers Standards & Training Act and the Rules of the Council.
This course will cover the various aspects of operating a police vehicle in an emergency operation situation. Topics will include the Vanessa K. Free Act, vehicle inspection, vehicle dynamics, control techniques, defensive driving, victim’s perspective, liability issues, and pursuit driving.
EVOC: 2020 is a course that teaches officers how to drive more professionally. The course starts in the classroom to cover the basics of Emergency Vehicle Operations, covering topics like liability, types of law enforcement driving, and vehicle dynamics. Then, the course will go out to a driving track where the trainers demonstrate driving drills that will push the limits of an officer’s driving ability such as 180s, Slalom Event, and Evasive Drills.
In this course, first responders will understand the importance of safe sleep education and feel empowered to educate caregivers of infants in their communities.
The Missouri Legal Update by Amanda Callaway provides a comprehensive review of all new and amended laws in the state of Missouri from the 2020 legislative session. These laws went into effect August 28, 2020, unless they contained an emergency clause. This presentation includes citation to the state statute and the Senate Bill (SB) or House Bill that impacts it. The course is broken into three sections: Crimes, Controlled Substances, and General Laws Impacting Law Enforcement.
This course reviews the changes in Tennessee code annotated over the past legislative year. Additionally, this course will provide an introduction to a Community Immersion program, a piece of the new training initiatives proposed by Gov. Bill Lee.