Your New Courses!

Behavior Science: Violence Prediction & Control

Behavior Science: Violence Prediction & Control: A Primer

Chase Hughes
1 Hour

The Violence Prediction and Control Course was made to be as critical as body armor for officers. Hundreds of studies have shown that nonverbal behavior makes up more than 2/3 of communication between people. Law enforcement deals in human behavior more than any other element, but the training has been missing. The course is specifically designed to address critical problems in today’s law enforcement when it comes to training on violence prediction and threat recognition. Violence Prediction and Control addresses these key issues with the aim of saving lives, building community trust, and enhancing compliance on patrol.

Wellness & Resiliency in 9-1-1

Wellness & Resiliency in 9-1-1

Monica Million
2 Hours

Hiring the right fit and preparing those employees for a life-long journey in mental and physical wellness in this profession and beyond is the foundation of this course. Also, learning and finding tools to assist the 9-1-1 professional in managing vicarious trauma and the importance of deploying these resources in your daily life.

Implementing Text-To-911 in the PSAP

Implementing Text to 9-1-1 in the PSAP

Monica Million
1 Hour

By offering a text-to-911 solution, you ensure you give all citizens access to public safety services.  You will be presented with costs, as well as technical and operational considerations when making decisions to deploy a solution.