Being an online training solution, one common question we get asked is how is your platform supported? There are different types of support, and each is its own form of customer service. But at its core, support should be any action taken by a provider to mitigate extra work on you.  You are busy enough, and you need solutions, not extra tasks. One such type of support is technical support.

Virtual Academy technical support celebrated a huge milestone this week: 100,000 tickets resolved! You may be asking yourself why would a company celebrate that many problems? Well, because, being a software company and working in public safety, we strive to provide an amazing customer service experience. Think about the last time you had to call customer service. Were you already frustrated because something wasn’t working? Were you put on hold for 30 minutes? Did you understand the person on the other side of the line? Take it one step further.

Was it even an option to contact someone about your problem, or did you have to Google the answer?

In a perfect world, no one would ever have to use our technical support staff. We make great strides to ensure our systems are easy to use. And truly we hope you never have to call them (unless you’re bored because they are some great people to talk to). However, Virtual Academy offers a wide range of solutions to a lot of different people, and sometimes that includes the not-so-tech-savvy. So, that’s why we provide 24/7 technical support.

In the public safety profession, you are on call 24/7, so we are too. You may be a telecommunicator who is taking training during the night shift on your downtime (unless it is a full moon, then downtime doesn’t exist). You may be an officer who at 10 p.m. forgets their login credentials and has to finish training by midnight. Whatever your case may be, we believe you deserve more, so we provide you with more.

So, why are we celebrating 100,000 tickets? Because after 100,000 tickets solved, we maintained a 99.4% satisfaction rate! That is no small feat. That means 99.4% of people who have interacted with our team had a pleasant experience. When was the last time you had a pleasant experience when calling customer service? However, that’s not the only bragging point.

The team also maintained a 97.5% one-call resolution. So, instead of waiting on the phone or chat while your problem is being escalated to more staff, we are answering your problem right then and there with the first person to take the call. That means quicker response time for you to get back to the important things.

Why should you care? You should be demanding this type of service from your training solution providers. You are too valuable in your community to worry about technical issues that affect your training. So, when looking for an online training solution, ask the following questions:

  • What type of support is provided?
  • Is there an extra charge for these services?
  • What is the satisfaction rate of customers who have used the service?
  • What percent of calls are resolved with the first touch?

Here is what are customers are saying:

"Awesome went the extra step to help me solve my issue in the future!" – MO User

"TOP NOTCH. Got a call within minutes of requesting assistance. He was very helpful and courteous and provided me with a login to reset my password. Best customer service I've experienced in so long I cannot remember. Thank you.” – TN User

“I would rate this chat at the highest level possible. I was quickly given the exact information that I needed.” – TN User

Virtual Academy