By Jacob Hammonds

Single User Subscriptions for Virtual Academy are subscriptions for individuals rather than a full department.  A user can purchase individual subscriptions through Virtual Academy if their department does not have a subscription with us.  These accounts are usually purchased if a user needs to maintain their certifications, complete training for state requirements, advance their knowledge on current public safety policies, and more.  Virtual Academy offers over 250 hours of public safety content including presentation videos, interactable videos, assessments etc.  

The Single User Subscription offers the same training courses that one would receive from a department account; however, there is a fee to the individual user instead of the department. This brings us to the topic of cost and payments. The payment process is simple: one single payment made upon initial signup and will give the user an entire year of access.  Once that year is up, the user simply renews the subscription.

In order to acquire a Single User Subscription, the individual will need to go to our website,, and fill out the required information.  For a year subscription the cost is $69.  You may also contact Carrie Sutherland for more information at 855-546-6283 x321.  If you are looking for state approved courses for Missouri, New Mexico, or Texas, they can contact 844-381-2134.